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Arrival Of The Antichrist

Former Illuminist/Satanist Doc Marquis provides insight into the coming "Masonic Christ", the Antichrist, which only an insider could know Chapters include - 1) Introduction; 2) History of the Masters of the Illuminati; 3) Religion of the Illuminati - and of Antichrist; 4) The Illuminati 7-Part Plan for Global Conquest. Focus is on the infamous Rothschild 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' and how leaders are following that plan as a blueprint; 5) The two Great Seals of the United States; 6) Maps of Washington, D.C. From this discussion, Doc presents a thorough examination of the Illuminati Card Game, showing specific cards.

2 DVD's, 3 1/2 hours total of teaching
You may obtain Doc’s videos by going to and clicking on the BOOKSTORE link on the homepage.

48 hour streaming access!