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Saskatchewan, Prince Albert, Canada

From June 15 – 17, 2012 at the Carlton Community Club in Saskatchewan, Prince Albert, Canada I had been given a very rare blessing and opportunity. Let me fill you in, briefly, on the details.

A young Christian brother of ours’ named Marlen had called me up and told me that Canada needed to hear the truth about the New World Order, the Illuminati, and other things that are going on in this world. Marlen and I had spoken quite a number of times about how to put on a 3 day seminar, what I would cover, and how it is really quite easy to put on such an event. Taking the proverbial bull by the horns, Marlen stepped up to the plate and, with the help of his family and friends he hosted the 3 day seminar in which I was speaking from June 15-17, 2012.

I was beyond impressed on how things went. We had people of various denominations show up, saved and unsaved people, and curiosity seekers. Well more than a dozen topics had been covered and, the one thing that blessed and saddened my heart was how desperate those wonderful Canadians were seeking after the truth. After speaking with them it became quite evident that they are starving to death for the truth. No one, it seems, has made any considerable effort to reach up to our neighbors in the North. Now, I do realize that things are bad here in the United States, but that shouldn’t prevent us from reaching out to other people and nations throughout this world and feed them with the truth. That, for me, is what it’s all about. Give them the truth and, through that, lead them to salvation!

On a personal level, I had such a good time. I met with other fellow Christians, enjoyed sharing my life testimony, and fielding all the endless questions Marlen had for me.

I want to admonish all my fellow speakers out there. Look towards Canada! They need our help. Most importantly, they want our help. If you can, contact Marlen at: 306-980-6842 or 306-749-1200. You can also write Marlen @: and tell him you would like to speak in that area. See what you can do for them in Canada. God keep all of you!